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Anguilla, Bahamas, and Panama entities overview.

Anguilla company formation, Bahamas company formation, and Panama company formation.

At OMC Group we specialize in corporate and fiduciary services, which include company and foundation setups, structuring of trusts, and many other services in multiple jurisdictions.

For us, it is very important that our clients are well-oriented in each of the jurisdictions we offer.

The purpose of this webinar is to provide you with valuable information about these jurisdictions that will allow you to select the option that suits your needs when setting up your entity. 

What will we cover in this webinar about Anguilla, Bahamas, and Panama?

In this webinar, we will be covering Anguilla company formation, Bahamas, and Panama as alternatives of jurisdictions for companies’ formation.

We will also discuss topics such as:

  • Main characteristics of each jurisdiction

  • Legal system

  • Advantages

  • Company types that these jurisdictions offer

  • Regulatory changes and new requirements

Here is the full recording of the webinar about the Anguilla company formation and the Bahamas and Panama company formation:

Information of Interest about Anguilla, Bahamas, and Panama

Anguilla Company formation and Bahamas and Panama company formation are perfect for:

  • Internet commerce

  • Intellectual property management

  • The custody of movable and immovable property

  • Consulting

  • Inheritance provisions

  • Stockbroker / forex

  • International business


Anguilla is the northernmost of the Leeward Islands and is located in the northeastern Caribbean Sea, approximately 950 miles southeast of Miami.

There is an estimated population of 18,090 inhabitants and a land area of 91 square kilometers. 

The island is an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom with a legal system based on the English common law with local modifications. 

Anguilla is governed by an Executive Council appointed by the Governor from amongst the elected members of the House of Assembly. 

Anguilla and The UK

The United Kingdom is responsible for the defense and foreign affairs of Anguilla.

Anguilla has offered a superior level of efficiency and service for over 30 years, providing a suite of financial services products that provide efficiency, flexibility, stability, and tax neutrality.

Anguilla company formation is ideal in this jurisdiction.

Anguilla company formation

  • Local legislation guarantees confidentiality and privacy.

  • Flexible in terms of capitalization, shareholders, directors, and shares of the company

  • There are no financial audit or statement requirements.

  • There is no corporate income tax, capital gains tax, property tax, or gift tax

  • There are no foreign trade or exchange restrictions

  • This is a well-regulated financial services industry



The Commonwealth of the Bahamas is an archipelago of approximately 700 islands and cays located in the Atlantic Ocean 80 kilometers east of the Peninsula of Florida and 35 minutes away from Miami by daily scheduled flights.

The population of the island is approximately 330,000 the majority of which live on the Island of New Providence and Grand Bahamas Island.

The currency is the Bahamian Dollar.

The Bahamas is an independent country since 1973 and continues to remain an active member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. 

The Bahamas is a Parliamentary type democracy and can be considered politically very stable. 

The legal system is based on statute law and common law is based on English common law complemented.

Bahamas company formation

  • No income tax, corporate tax, value-added tax, or wealth tax for offshore companies.

  • A politically stable environment, a progressive economy, with a diverse cultural landscape.

  • Member of the Caribbean Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.

  • Maintaining a long-standing reputation in the world of offshore finance.

  • A high standard of living altogether with a modern infrastructure.

  • No exchange control is in effect for IBCs.

  • One of the wealthiest Caribbean countries.


Panama, the Republic of Central America, is located on the narrow strip of land that connects North and South America.

Its position between two continents and separating two oceans has played a defining role in Panama’s history. 

Panama, meaning “abundance of fishes”, occupies an area of 77,082 square kilometers.

Its capital, Panama City, is on the Pacific coast at the entrance of the Panama Canal.

The country has a population of approximately 2.6 million people of which half live in Panama City.

The official language of Panama is Spanish.

Documents in a foreign language, which are filed at the Companies Registry, must be accompanied by a Spanish translation.

Spanish and English are used equally in business circles.

Panama is a center of international business and finance with hundreds of international firms operating from Panama City. 

Panama’s key geographic position has been conducive to its specialization as a service country.

The Panama Canal and the Colon Free Zone are at the forefront of this development.

Financial and fiscal benefits alone are not the only reasons for both the continuing flow of international banking corporations to Panama and the continued worldwide attractiveness of Panama corporations.

The Republic of Panama is at the center of the American continent and as a Democratic Republic, offers a valuable combination of political and monetary stability.

Panama company formation Key Advantages

  • Panama has a territorial tax system which means that income is only taxed if it derives from Panama. Therefore, no tax is payable when income is obtained from a source outside Panama, even if the business is run from within Panama.

  • Corporate assets or capital of a Panama company can be kept outside Panama.

  • There are no residency requirements or restrictions with regard to owners, directors, or shareholders.

  • Shareholder and director meetings may be held and the directors may attend personally or by proxy.

  • No restrictions on shares. Shares may be held in registered or bearer form.

  • No currency exchange controls.

  • Excellent infrastructure and communications.

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“Panama’s new and important legislative initiatives”

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