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OMC Group How we can help you during this crisis

How can OMC help you during this crisis

OMC Group

Throughout the COVID19 crisis OMC Group has remained fully operational by activating our business continuity plan and working remotely in all jurisdictions that have declared lockdowns and shelter-in-place measures.

We have been helping clients effectively manage their companies across more than 15 jurisdictions and complying with all statutory requirements and obligations.

We know business activity and investments whether in ongoing businesses, securities markets, private equity or real estate, do not stop.

You could be interested in seizing opportunities or rebalancing your positions and we are here making sure you can execute the transactions you need by facilitating the administration of your legal entities.

Whether we manage your company or another agent does, we will be glad to help you and your agent in any way we can during this difficult time.

These are times to work together and collaborate to find solutions for all.

 We are here to connect the dots for you.

Also, you should read this article: Time to plan for recovery – Covid 19

If you are interested in reading more about us, access our blog.

We invite you to subscribe to our Youtube channel, where you can find videos on topics of interest in corporate and fiduciary matters, among others.

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